monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Tuesday, Dec 13, 2011

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Steve Ivy

Why yes, that is the theme from “Barbie and the Twelve Dancing Princesses” I’m whistling. Why do you ask? #lifewitha6yearold

~ # 01:53 ~

Steve Ivy

Sigh. Just typed “w” to get “closer” to a photo on the web. #minecraft

~ # 13:57 ~

Steve Ivy

#newnewtwitter is a cognitive shock. I can’t stop wondering why the navigation is in my timeline.

~ # 14:20 ~

Steve Ivy

@monkchips Yeah, it’s awkward. Perhaps they hired a Leftie designer?

~ # 14:25 ~

Steve Ivy

Been getting a LOT of missing images on Amazon lately. Anyone else see this?

~ # 14:41 ~

Steve Ivy

First positive sign from TextMate 2 Alpha - built-in support for perl’s Template Toolkit.

~ # 17:20 ~

Steve Ivy

Some of us still want to love you, TextMate, but that’s a hard row to hoe. Dear TextMate /via @mattgemmell

~ # 17:24 ~

Steve Ivy

keep the women and children away - IE is making me stabby.

~ # 23:42 ~