monkinetic the blog

Daily Digest for Wednesday, Jun 3, 2020

☀️ Earliest posts come first.

Steve Ivy

Could the George Floyd police riots be our Reichstag fire? #uspol #nazis

~ # 00:56 ~

Steve Ivy

Champers #derg

~ # 02:12 ~

Steve Ivy

White people views today the same as in 1776: slavery ok, taxes bad.

~ # 02:26 ~

Steve Ivy

“Our fellow citizens are not the enemy, and must never become so.” – Mike Mullen, Former chair of the Joint Chiefs

~ # 13:21 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

Old (from 2015) but good: why saying “all lives matter” is harmful

~ # 14:52 ~

Steve Ivy
Steve Ivy

I knew the term “grandfathered in” had to do something with #voting and #racism but this story really explains the #history thanks @lmorchard

~ # 18:34 ~